DPMS officially launched, Yike new and old customers have tried


In the era of highly developed Internet technology, the traditional marketing methods are gradually outdated, and the new marketing method based on big data cloud computing begins to appear. At this time, DPMS (digital precision marketing system), a big data cloud computing marketing system developed by Yike in recent two years, was officially launched.

As the name suggests, DPMS is used by businesses to improve the accuracy of marketing and improve the efficiency of marketing. In a popular way, it is to improve the conversion rate. Compared with similar products, the highlight of Yike DPMS is that the data source is based on the network authorized by operators. It is this feature that attracts many new and old users to try. Up to now, there have been more than ten brand merchants in more than ten industries, including real estate, commercial complex, automobile, finance, education, digital, cosmetics, clothing, daily chemical, games, decoration, wedding, medical treatment and so on. Among them, 15 companies have completed the implementation, 10 have successfully signed contracts to be implemented, and 8 have discussed the agreement. The rest are in the initial stage of cooperation.

According to the business director of a successful foreign bank, the characteristics of Yike DPMS are as follows:

Ø The data source comes from the operator, so the quantity is large, the quality is good, the freshness is more real.

Ø You can customize the data model (crowd portraits or tags).

Ø The acquisition cost is low.

Big data marketing theory -- 4D theory believes that big data marketing is to get the demand of consumers through data and to deliver the information that meets the needs to consumers. According to this theory, Yike DPMS consists of two parts: data management platform and information publishing platform. The former is used to dynamically obtain interest tags according to the user-defined data model of brand merchants, and the latter is used to transmit the information of brand merchants to consumers in time.

Although some achievements have been made, Yike DPMS is still relatively elementary. With more and more brand businesses cooperating with Yike, this brand-new system will become more and more mature, play a more and more important role, and help more businesses achieve more ideal marketing effect.